lauantai 26. syyskuuta 2020


 Parantamisaiheisesta blogistani :


26.9.2020   Yksi selitys on, ettei eläimellä ole myrkkyä, vaan sen elämäntapa ja elämänpiiri vain ovat kovin vieraat ihmiselle. Esim. mehiläisen pisto saattaisi tuoda vaikutteita mehiläisen elämästä: kiirettä pitää, stressiä pukkaa: on lastenhoitoarkea, medenkeruuta ja vartiointia.


14th of December 2024   If there are holes in the skin, either because of insects or because of having hit one's skin against some brush or shaw like bunch of small sharp objects, it might help placing an airy bunch of grass upon that area of skin, so that if there are small insects gone inside the body or there near the wound, which prefer the grasses, the insects would go to the grasses and so the body would heal better. 

keskiviikko 16. syyskuuta 2020

Hyönteisten talvehtiminen

 Menestyksekkäästi ulkona luonnossa talvehtivat hyönteiset kai tekevät sen suurella elämänviisaudellaan. Nuoren mäntymetsikön puiden tunnelmasta voi oppia talvehtimisessa hyödyllisiä taitoja, kun mäntyä katsellessaan miettii, että kun sää on tällainen (kuvaile), niin miten olisi erilaisten eläinten hyvä talvehtia, esim. pienen, keskisuuren, viluisen, ym, niin männyn oksientunnelmassa on jokin ohje kullekin eläintyypille, että lämpöisesti näin - ota se elämäntapasi ohjenuoraksi -  ja kulkee oksaa pitkin ja ryömii koloon ja on siellä näin. 

Hyönteinen ei horrosta kuin raskaaseen uneen vajoten, ei kuin johonkin tummaan. Vaan hyönteinen viettää koko talven ja kevään, ja syksyn toki mahdollisimman hyvällä tavalla, koko suurella elämänviisaudellaan elävöittävästi (pikemminkin loikoen kuin horteeseen vajoten), mahdollisimman viisaasti, valmiina ottamaan vastaan talven, syksyn ja kevään haasteet, esim. jos joskus täytyy muuttaa paikkaa tai vaihtaa asentoa tai asennetta tai lämmönsäätelyn tapaa tai puolustautua jotakin vastaan tai korjata aiheutuneet vammat, lähteäkevääseen mukaan tms.

Talvehtiessa kai aika kuluu kuin hyppäyksittäin: kun on kyllin lämmintä, hyönteinen on hereillä ja katselee maisemaa. Jos tulee kylmä, suis pakkanen, niin aika kuluu huomaamatta. Ja niin jos hyönteinen aikaisin keväällä herää ja päättää nukkua vielä hetken, niin se usein herää vasta kesäkuulla.

maanantai 14. syyskuuta 2020

Eläimille koulu

"Eläimille koulu

Eläimet joskus kyselevät nopeaa kunnollista koulua eläimille, lähinnä koirat ja linnut, mutta tänään ykis talvehtimisesta huolissaan oleva kärpänen kyseli sitä. Tässä yksi versio ."

 17.1.2021   Kopioin koko eläinten koulun tähän:

"maanantai 14. syyskuuta 2020

Easy quick school for animals, especially pets and birds

 Animals which associate closely with humans, especially pets, ofr example dogs, sometimes ask if there could be a school for animals too. I have written advices about learning common sense like objective thinking and about fitting into the society, so here is my version of a kind of school for animals:

1) Thinking: use a landscape like view that observes structures. Good practise for this is looking at familiar scenes and landscapes with trees and some life in them. Trees and nature make observation ability better and join the sense of sight topgether with the sense of atmospheres, which is also good for thinking.

For teaching this to a dog that is interested in learning it, go outdoors to some peaceful enough place where there are trees but not overly amess. Do not strand face to face by your pet but instead side by sode so that it looks at the same landscape as you, and so you can look at it so that it sees it the same way and then you can walk to a bush, tree, street's side lawn etc like observed firstm, and that's it.

2) Fitting into the society: The advice "Live and let others live!" is good for this. Think of each person and each group sovereign as the trunk and branches of a tree in a park. It does not mess with the branches of other trees and those too leave it alone, to freely and happily live it's own life. Good will toward others is a good advice here.

 Another piece of advice is for all to work for better life in a better living environment, like work, hobbies, friends, caring for the environment, making the society good to live in.

3) Wisdom of life and healthy ways of living you can partly learn from how tree branmches curve topward light and what is their atmosphere, the mood it seems to refer to and the kind of life, and partly from sport and healthy kind of life on all areas of life.

* * *

There are also some other things that have often come to my mind when thinking of a school for animals, especially for pets and birds, maybe for mice too.

4) About teaching an animal to read there is a video about reading Finnish language at , but for it one must first understand spoken language, which often goes by associating with humans and paying attention to the situations and tones of voice, and later by remembering also the atmospheres of the spoken language. Finnish language is written like it is pronouced, but there are some differencies between literature's language and the words of spoken language.

5) The square looks of houses etc are a consequence of it being so easy to place two or more parts next to each other tightly and so that one can choose from nay options, what to place so. So one can build shelter from weathers and from dangers and use materials economically. Such houses also offer fiar chances for different types i´of individuals and a possibility for privacy. The square looks of houses are not good for intelligence and quality of life. For them it is good to look at trees outside the window. If life indoors feels tough, do not attach yourself to build things but instead only to the nature outside the window and to outdoors at large.


keskiviikko 22. huhtikuuta 2020

Kirjanpainajan toukat


perjantai 23. elokuuta 2019

Egyptian pyramids

I came to think of the Egyotian pyramids in connection with the internet. Could one experiment projecting nice informative internet pages to them like some old times wisdom, like for example my pages and pieces of ,´. The sides of the pyramids are said to have been even: was that their time's newspaper before the time of paper and printing? Cut holes to a papurys and shed light through it, maybe fix some places with a transparent colourful plant to get colours too. A night time newspaper when it is cool. And walls different from the type of houses to avoid people building houses without windows in their search for modern.

2nd of September 2019
The above idea came to my mind when I visited an internet page of Egyptian tourism to send them a lonk . There was a picture of a pyramid on the page as if to say "pyramids and the internet pages" and it was in connectionwith tourims, which brought to my mind lighting monuments and important houses with colourful lights in the evening and night time, but the page somehow brought to my mind projecting internet pages to the sides of a pyramid, so I guess the idea was theirs, of course.

Could it be that mommies(?) wrapped in paper inside the pyramid, preserved tp last long were a description of writers' life?
And that the spfinxes(?) with lion body but human head were a description of what a good writer is like: complex wise tghings about life and the world tells in an understandable way that does not neglect building things etc, human like things.

6th October 2019   I was left wondering did they have lights that could shine so far. But maybe if one ponders about fires etc via physics, it isn't as effective as being interested in giving civiliced wisdom to the peoples who come to look at the pyramids, I mean that the focus is different and the spirit is different, like "Light to the people who wander in the darkness (of a lack of civiliced wisdom)."

22th of April 2020  
Two days ago my poodle who likes very much to read the local newspaper, buried his nose in the paper and mentioned Egyptian dogs which wrapped themselves in papyrus, like insects in a flour jar.

Now it came to my mind could it have been easier for the Egyptians to start writing if they had told of animals: of the holy insects which taught us to write?

torstai 2. huhtikuuta 2020


Joku vuosi sitten oli kesällä kaupungissa tien varressa kohta, jossa vaikutti olevan kovin äkäisiä pistiäisiä. Se oli etelänpuoleisen rinteen kovin puutoinen kohta, jossa isot männyt ja pensaat tekivät paikasta ihan varjoisan, vaikka se mukamas oli auringon puolella ja vielä rinne. Sai sen vaikutelman, että pistiäisten lämpötalous oli kärsinyt, kun niiden lämpimä'ksi olettama paikka oli ihan viileä, ja siksi olivat äkäisiä, ja että yleensäkin se olisi pistiäisten äkäisyyden syy.