When I was in my twenties, I once travelled in South-East Asia. In the hostel in Malaysia there was air conditioning supposed to cool the air, but it brought an awful chemical smell which I coukd not bear. Now tens of years later I wonder if there had been tropical insects gone too near the cooler and caught a cold so awfully much that I have never heard of such, maybe even died of frostbites. In the tropics there of course ought not be so cold. So the animals do mot have the weather skills for such. As far as I know one learns heat regulation from local trees' or maybe also bushes' branches by looking at them, maybe slso walking on such. So I guess it could help to have an old fallen branch from the climate with temperatures between the cooler's near area and the local and next to it further away from the cooler a nice local, or quite similar to local, branch of a climate of both the indoors and outdoors temperatures. Or similarly postcards with pictures of such climates' nature, with nice pictures chosen also based on insects' winter skills etc.
lauantai 1. helmikuuta 2025
torstai 23. tammikuuta 2025
Tarantula's dance?
Would the view of dance meant for objectively thinking persons suit also tarantulas? See https://tanssitanssi.blogspot.com/2024/01/the-dance-of-one-living-in-objective.html
( This came to my mind when watching a video of the Hawanese dog breed https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JswmEDKzx4w , as if some one from Vantaa had claimed such tens of years ago. )
tiistai 7. tammikuuta 2025
An insect jewellery
" When I was a child I for some time had was it one or two insect jewellery somewhat like in this video. But I did not know what to think of them, since I prefer real insects, and the insect jewellery felt somehow to be taking away the space of insects to live in. (Like I today was pondering, do Snoopy dog & Woodstock bird cartoons take away the space of animals and nature and give it to humans and maybe royalty?)
On the first class of school there was in the math book a bee flying in arches, which taught to write the number 2. And somehow it took away ghe emotional complexity and natural wisdom of life, respect for animals too, and replaced them somehow by just numbers. And I have never quite been able to agree to such, maybe because the school never gave back the good life that was earlier, never regained tgat respect for the emotional wisdom of lufe of the nature.
I do not know if my texts have been publushed anyway. On some mental side it has been told that
Some of my texts about working lufe being nice have maybe been publushed in China Daily.
Some of my short texts about the foyr seasons have maybe been publushed in New York Times
And my knitting tips in Scotland Herald.
But I do not kniw of such in any sure way.